So, it's been quite sometime since that I have updated my blog. No real excuse, except been very busy over the last three weeks.
First things first, I'm really feeling good, such a blessing not having symptoms keeping me down. I had a check up appointment with Dr T, and all my levels are normal, platelets are still on the low side, but this will come up slowly. The next step is all my scheduled tests coming up in in June. The doc wants a full body MRI and bone marrow tests. Ahh, I don't like the bone marrow test, it really hurts. The MRI is also a challenge, lying in the tunnel while the are doing it. All these tests are to determine the success of the treatment and stem cell transplant. I really trust the Lord for a good report. For He is able to do so.
I also have to start with Zometa treatment, which really strengthens your bones, this once a month. I will be going for the first of this treatment on Tuesday. I'm really not in the mood for more needles.
Yvette and I have been running flat out on trying to get our house finished before the end of this month. We have been on site every to make sure that things happen as planned. This has been an enormous task, so much detail, and things to sort out, kitchens, cubboards vanities, lighting, flooring, etc... The list goes on and on. We are planning to move in on the 31st May, so we really pray that everything falls into place. We are very excited, and look forward to a clean start, I guess on many levels, physically and spiritually. It has been as if every thing that has happen to us over the last 9 months, is now over and we can look forward to a clean start.
With everything that has been happening, we have missed contact with our regular friends, so we look forward to kick staring our social lives, in the new house. Yvette can wait to try out her new kitchen, and me the fire place.
Dominique and Chloe have also been flat out, Dominique has been involved in her Joseph school play, which has meant her going to many long rehearsals, some to 9 pm at night. Dominique is also taking an extra subject, Design, which is after school, so Yvette some times went to school 4 times a day to keep up with d&c's activities. Dominique is also going on a Grade 10 camp next week, and won't be here for the move, Also Chloe will be away. Hey it seems like we are moving on our own, this happened last time.
Chloe has also been very busy with her singing, she was in the NEA national finals, and also has entered into the BEELD competition. So between singing, school, violin and hockey, she is pretty much flat out.
Things at the office are well, the girls are doing a great job! I expect that I will be spending more time in the office once we have moved house.
I was also in the Cape the last couple of days, great seeing the Somerset Mall team again, also doing a great job. We pray for Mandy who had a lung operation, that she would recover well!
I also realise that there are so many other people that are going through tough times, we should really pray for them, and hold them in prayer.
I also pray for Phil who had a brain tumour removed, and pray for his speedy recovey.
I really appreciate all the support over this time, also the continued support. Blessings!