Thursday, 19 April 2012

Check Up

I had my follow up appointment with Dr T, blood tests as usual (dont think I'll ever get used to it). Good news is that my white Blood cells are all in the normal range, as usual my palettes are low. These take the longest to recover! Other good news is that I can gain more access to public places, although, still must be careful. So, all in all I'm getting there. Must see the doc in a weeks time. After 3 months, they will do all the usual tests to see how how effective the treatment has been. I trust the Lord for full healing!

Two of my friends are going through treatment at the moment, please pray for David Crew Brown, who is going through heavy treatment at the moment, and Johan Klienschmit, who is in the middle of a stem cell transplant. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are going so well for you! Will add David and Johan to my sorry to hear other friends are dealing with MM, but I'm sure God is using you to be of great help and comfort to them.
