Sunday, 29 April 2012

Bush Veld

Well, last week was hectic, as many of you know, we are trying to finish off the construction on our house. We where meant to move in at the end of this month, low and behold....
Well the pressure is on, and so it seems like everything happened at once! Balustrades, tiling, electrical, cupboards, cleaning, etc. I'm glad it's all coming together!

Was great to see Et, whocomae to visit on wednesday night. E'Gon and I had a great Jam session.

On thursday, amongst other things, I had an appointment with Dr T, my blood levels are looking good, with my platelets coming up from 30 to 50. I must say I can feel the difference .

We came through to Zebula for the long weekend, great to be in the bush again, would be nice if we could spend the whole year here! I guess hopeful wishes. Been able to start reading again, I must say all this time, I haven't really been able to read much, mostly emails, work stuff and the web. Started reading, or let's put is this way, continuing to read relentless by John Bevere, "the power you need to never give up". Really amazing book, I really must dig in and get it read. I started reading it before I was diagnosed, some how the Lord knew what I was going about to go through. One of the chapters relates to the life of Daniel, and how he shone out in the babylonian kingdom, and how we through Gods grace can also be extraordinary! One thing I realise is that the Lord has a purpose and plan for my life, for He gives and takes away.

Zebula has been great, the bush veld is wonderful, Chloe and I have played tennis, cycled, and even hit golf balls on the driving range. I'm try to take it slow, don't want to hurt my back. I have also realises how unfit I have become, Chloe cycled away from me today. This treatment really is hard on your system! My leg muscles and feet get very so

re and ache, I guess a combination of building up my leg strength and side effect of the treatment.

I'm still 'kaalkop' can't wait for my hair to start growing, else it's going to be a cold winter.

I really want to thank all have prayed for me and continue to pray for me, also those who have supported me over this time!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Check Up

I had my follow up appointment with Dr T, blood tests as usual (dont think I'll ever get used to it). Good news is that my white Blood cells are all in the normal range, as usual my palettes are low. These take the longest to recover! Other good news is that I can gain more access to public places, although, still must be careful. So, all in all I'm getting there. Must see the doc in a weeks time. After 3 months, they will do all the usual tests to see how how effective the treatment has been. I trust the Lord for full healing!

Two of my friends are going through treatment at the moment, please pray for David Crew Brown, who is going through heavy treatment at the moment, and Johan Klienschmit, who is in the middle of a stem cell transplant. Thanks!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

More Blood Tests

Went for more blood tests today, I'm glad to say that may levels, even though slightly lower than normal, is starting to look a lot better. My white blood count and neutrophils are just below normal, which is good. My platelets are still low, although it seems that I don't need further infusion, unless the doctors decide other wise. So all in all, getting there! Slowly Slowly!

Lekker Braai!

Its been a long time since we had a 'braai', must say it was good! Cant wait to have friends over, its getting pretty lonely, one of these days....

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Angus Buchan's Ordinary People Official Movie

The new movie "Ordinary People" has been released, I really can't wait to go and see it. Having been to three Mighty Men conferences, I know the impact that it has made on my life. When I saw the trailer, it brought back memories of these events, and all the emotion that came with it! The Lord really did some thing in my heart! It amazing that the simple truths of the gospel, can change our lives forever! I was also so privileged to attend last years conference with my Dad, what a blessing. I missed this years one, but really look forward to next year...

See the Trailer, Click on this link, or click trailer below....

Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Road to Recovery!

On Wednesday, saw the doctor, my blood levels where much better, although palettes still low. Had to go for an platelet infusion on Thursday. I must say I'm starting to feel a lot better. Took the dogs for a walk on the golf course today, felt good to be out in the fresh air. Also spent time at the new house, it's really starting to look good! Can wait to move back home.

At this stage I'm still staying clear of public places, to avoid getting sick. I really miss going to church, especaiilly over Easter weekend. Can wait to get back to normal, although I think normal has been redefined.

I watched the Cape Epic last week, and must say, really look forward in getting on my mountain bike. Spinning will also be good. The 94.7 is later this year perhaps thats some thing to aim for, I'll see.

Another thing, I can't wait for my hair to satrt growing, although I see some fluff on my head.

I was reading Jude, which ends off with this scripture. It's always quoted, but some times we should stop and understand what it says and means....especially over this time of the year when we celebrate our Saviours death and resurrection.
Jude 1:24-25
Now to Him Who is able to keep you without stumbling or slipping or falling, and to present [you] unblemished (blameless and faultless) before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation [with unspeakable, ecstatic delight] —
25 To the one only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory (splendor), majesty, might and dominion, and power and authority, before all time and now and forever (unto all the ages of eternity). Amen (so be it).

How is it that he is able to keep us from stumbling or slipping, and present us with out blemish? This can only be by the complete work of the cross, Jesus died for our sins, and through his blood has cleansed us, whiter than snow, and though his blood He will present us, as our advocate to the Father, blameless. He is the Passover lamb, that caused the angel of death to pass over the children of Israel in Egypt. To Him be the glory and honour, power and majesty, forever and ever! Amen!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Captains Log - Star Fleet - 20120403 ;-)

As you can tell, I'm starting to feel better...

Still not out of the woods but much better. Last Friday, I had to go to hospital for a platelet infusion, they also gave me an injection to stimulate my white blood cells. I must say that I was pretty flat over the week end, not really being able to do much!

My blood test on Monday showed my white blood cells jumping from 2 to 14 (Normal Range 4-10), however my patlets are still low around 21 (should be 300+). I'm seeing the doc tomorrow, for another checkup. I must say, I'm not sure I can take any more iv's, my arm veins are wrecked! 

On Sunday I went for a walk on the golf course, it was so nice getting out, enjoying nature and the fresh air! 

Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it!