Anniversaries and New Beginnings- on the 17th we spend the whole day at the hospital for blood tests, I also saw my ophthalmologist for a pre check on my eyes. I have also have have 3 different types of eye drops, all at different time intervals, this combined with my normal meds, hectic. We then ran out of time and could not start with my treatment, it was rescheduled to Sunday. 18th - 28th wedding anniversary. We spend the day walking in the old city of Jaffa, down to the beach. Very busy day, had a good time. 19th Shabbat Shalom, took it easy, 20th treatment day!! It's been a long road to to this point, with lots of planning, and doors that have been opened by the Lord, from Passport's all the way through being able to fly, obtaining permissions etc. the list goes on. We met lady called Lyn that organized the treatment drug on a compassionate basis, she is outstanding and has helped us so much, speaks good English and has a brother living in Durban. So I taken the treatment and over the next 21 days, will monitor my progress. I see the dr on Tuesday to see if levels have shown movement.
I really hit a low on Wednesday, ready to pack my bags and come home. But then talking things through, also realising , what it has taken to get here, Hope started stirring in my heart, it brought with it new stronger Faith. He lifted me up from the Mirey clay and set my feet upon the Rock.
There are so many people supporting and praying for me, thank you, my deepest gratitude and love for you all!
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