Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Day 20 - Home Sweet Home - Now the recovery Begins

So glad to be be home!

My last blood tests on Monday, hit all the right levels for me to go home. I must say looking back over the last 3 weeks, its been quite a ride...from high dose chemo...receiving back my stem cells (which where harvested 6 years ago, which is a miracle in itself)...to fainting in the bathroom one evening, and also having a fever. All the highs and the lows, I finally made it home..

Being in hospital, I was monitored every 3 hours, and so one really does not have time for rest. I was also permanently connected to a drip and machine, which constantly hampers your movement.

Now the recovery begins, it's as if you have been beaten up inside your body, and so its going to take 2-3 months to heal internally, even for my hair to start growing. So the healing process begin...

I'm so gratefully for all the support from friends and family during the time, helping me through this. Especially Yvette, my Love, who has been such a pillar of strength!!

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