Well, it has be some time since I have updated my Blog, not knowing quite what to say, so much has happened this past year, lots of ups and downs. Now that we have started the new year, I've been reflecting on last year, also in anticipation of what all has to happen in 2018.
2016 Ended off with the opening of Menlyn Shopping Centre extension and refurbishment, this was after a 3 and half year project, which I managed as a Development Manager. The project opened successfully, and was awarded a SACSC award in September 2017. All the hard work in paid off, although I’m not sure the stress was a good thing. I was a privileged to be part of the redevelopment of one of the largest shopping malls in Africa. We are currently working on other potential projects, and I look forward to the next challenge. We hope to be selected for an international award, later in 201I
was also privileged to have travel to Spain and Italy for work in 2017, and was able to go to a Juventus and Real Madrid soccer game in Barcelona. This was my first ever match I attended and was an amazing experience. The trip had it is ups and downs, we lost our luggage which made travel difficult. I also came down with a cold which ended up with pneumonia, I spent 10 days in hospital on my return.
I’m still enjoying my music, and I'm glad that I play in our churches worship team, it really is great playing in a live environment. Chloe and I also played in an open air boma worship for our end year home group function, this really was amazing. I’m still guitar crazy, and still have some things on my bucket list, like going to the Namm Show in California and also going to a Joe Bonamassa Concert. Who knows, this may still happen. I have also connected with friends Deon and Elizna, and have played a couple of times, really nice catching
On the Cycling front, have done some casual riding over the last year, most of the riding in Struisbaai. I was crazy enough to do this years Struisbaai Mountain Bike Race, 46km of extreme wind and thick sand. For the first time I have entered a race being a “master” (>50 years old), I only came 5th last. Not bad considering I haver just come off chemo, and and a recent bout of pneumonia, Rock On!!

Other highlight for the year is, I turned 50. Some one asked me whether I feel different? The only time I feel it, is when getting out of bed in the mornings. Dominique also completed her degree this year, and is planning to do her honours, I’m very proud of her!
My Parents also come to visit us from Australia this year and it was great having them here.
My Parents also come to visit us from Australia this year and it was great having them here.
On the health front, my M spike has been steadily increasing, and I have been back on treatment, which has been quite difficult and tough on my body.
I will be going for another stem cell transplant in January/February. It’s quite hard juggling my health and work responsibilities, as it feels if my body has really slowed down. I’m however intent on remaining strong, and doing what is necessary to get me through this.
All in all, "The Lord is Good, All the Time"
Have a blesssed 2018
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